Honey and Cinnamon For Weight Loss - Does it Really Work?

All through the internet and media, there is a huge hype about the magic new weight loss cure, "honey and cinnamon for weight loss". But, does it really work? Or is it just another fad? Being a nutrition and diet consultant for many years now, I decided to get to the bottom of this! What I found may surprise you.
First of all, lets look at what is suggested. The recipe is simple. You have to combine one tea-spoon of honey to one tea spoon of cinnamon and boil it in one cup of water. It is suggested that you consume half of this cup, half an hour before breakfast. And you consume half of this cup, half an hour before going to sleep at night. That's it!
The claims are, that by just doing this much, and not making ANY other changes in your routine and your diet, you can expect to lose 3 to 5 pounds within a week. It is said that the honey and cinnamon, actually prevent your body from storing fat!
Unfortunately, the practitioners of this "honey and cinnamon for weight loss" idea, do not offer any clear scientific explanation for why this should work.
Here is the scientific analysis...
Cinnamon: Actually, cinnamon does have weight loss benefits. It has already been proved in scientific studies that cinnamon helps to reduce bad cholesterol & blood sugar. A reduction in blood sugar helps in increasing insulin levels and which in turn prevents the body from storing fats. So, we know that cinnamon defiantly helps to lose weight.
Honey: There is no doubt that honey is good for health. In fact, people who have tried this "honey and cinnamon" idea, do report that they feel more energetic. This fits in perfectly with the fact that honey is a "simple sugar" that is very easy for the body to process and release energy. But, honey has the opposite effect that cinnamon has. It increases the blood sugar levels.
So, its not very clear from the scientific point of view, how this "honey and cinnamon for weight loss" idea could really work. But, there are still people out there that claim it has helped them. Unless a proper scientific study is done on the subject, making any conclusions would be pointless. So, if you want to try it, go ahead! If it does not help, it surely will not hurt! But, there are better and faster ways to lose weight out there.

Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss - How Can Honey and Cinnamon Help Weight Loss?

What are the honey and cinnamon weight loss secrets? How can they help you lose weight? The answers will interest you if you are looking for ways to lose fat naturally. Let's start with the first ingredient, cinnamon.
The health benefits of cinnamon only caught the attention of science in recent years even though it has been used for cooking and medical purposes for thousand of years. It is rich in antioxidant and protects us against heart diseases. It also lowers the LDL cholesterol, relieves arthritis and controls blood glucose (sugar) and insulin levels.
But what is the cinnamon weight loss secret? The positive effect of cinnamon on blood glucose and insulin levels is also how it can help us lose weight. By regulating blood glucose and insulin levels, it prevents fat disposition.
How to maximize the cinnamon weight loss benefits? You can consume cinnamon supplements before meal or sprinkle cinnamon powder onto foods.
Here's how you supercharge the cinnamon weight loss benefits: By adding honey.
But why honey? It is a natural sweetener with many health benefits. Similar to cinnamon, it is rich in antioxidant and contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals making it a super healthy food.
But what is the link between honey and fat loss? Honey and cinnamon weight loss mechanism is somehow similar but not exactly. According to the Honey Hibernation Diet (HHD), fat loss is possible when you are sleeping. Consuming raw honey before bed time can speed up metabolism and burn fat.
Here's what we found out:
Honey is considered an ideal food as it keeps the sugar level balanced. This comment is also supported by the Journal of Medicinal Food (April 2004) where they reported similar finding. Further to that, the release of the recovery hormones helps to burn fat. This happens when the liver is fueled with sufficient honey intake before bed.
Why? This is because the liver needs to deliver 10 grams of glucose per hour to different parts of the body. We understand from HHD that the fat loss secret of honey lies in the 1:1 ratio of fructose and glucose. When we consume this natural sweetener, the fructose goes to the liver and stores as glycogen. If the blood glucose level falls below the normal level, the liver releases glycogen to different parts of the body.
In addition, fructose activates an enzyme for the liver to take in more glucose, thus stabilizing the blood sugar level. Simply put, fructose regulates blood glucose level. See the similarity between honey and cinnamon weight loss mechanism? But it doesn't stop there. Because honey is rich in amino acids and minerals, it draws on these to metabolize the cholesterol and fatty acid, thus impeding fat gain.
But what are the practical applications of honey and cinnamon for weight loss? We find that a glass of honey and cinnamon drink a day helps to get rid of fat.
Here's the honey and cinnamon weight loss recipe:
1) Add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to 8 ounces of boiling water and stir well.
2) Cover the mixture and allow it to cool to room temperature.
3) Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Stir well and drink half of it before going to bed. Do not adding honey to a hot mixture or scope it with a metal teaspoon as it may destroy the enzymes and nutrients.
4) Cover the balance of the honey and cinnamon weight loss mixture and keep it in fridge overnight.
5) Drink the cold mixture the first thing in the morning before breakfast without heating it up.
Simple steps to create a honey and cinnamon weight loss mixture that tastes good!
We are confident that you know how honey and cinnamon can help fat loss now. But how effective is this honey and cinnamon for weight loss formula? The results are astonishing. Our research showed that this has proven to work well for most people. On the average, they were losing about 7 pounds per week. A dieter lost 34 pounds using this honey and cinnamon weight loss formula alone. Many were able to lose belly fat too.
Those who consume this honey and cinnamon weight loss drink daily also feel happier with an increased in energy levels and sex drive. Therefore, it is fair to say that the honey and cinnamon weight loss drink can also improves other aspects of your life.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Remedy

The health benefits of apple cider vinegar and honey apple drink are widely known . This recipe has been traditionally used as a home remedy for many ailments car , and even anti-aging elixir . Many people have smartly made ​​use of its cleansing and disinfecting properties to self- detoxify your body. It is considered as a cleaning agent powerful and natural healing elixir antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria that occur naturally.

alkalizing diet

So how does this vinegar and honey remedy actually work? The blood of a person tends to be acidic with our modern diet of fats , starches and processed foods (eg fast foods , meats, peanuts, shellfish , alcohol and coffee) and if your body is acidic , disease can flourish ; if alkaline , that is in balance and can fight the germs and diseases such as bladder and kidney conditions , osteoporosis, bone fragility , joint pain , muscle pain, lack of energy and chronic fatigue, and slow digestion. Fresh fruits , leafy green vegetables , legumes and tea are examples of alkaline forming foods. Interestingly and ironically , a food or alkaline -forming tendency of acid in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself . For example , lemons and limes are very acidic , but the finished products are produced after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so lemons and limes are alkaline forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so , like nearly all animal products , meat is very acid-forming . It is important to note that stomach acid or the pH of the stomach is an entirely different pH of the fluids and tissues of the body concerned. The body has an acid -base ( or acid - base) ratio called the pH balance of positively charged ions ( acid-forming ) and negatively charged ions ( buffers) . When this balance undertakes many problems can occur . The body is forced to borrow minerals, including calcium, sodium , potassium and magnesium from organs and bones to neutralize the acid vital and safely remove it from the body. And do serious damage to the body due to high acidity. Ideally, for most people , the ideal diet is 75 percent alkalizing and 25 percent acidifying foods by volume. Allergic reactions and other forms of stress also tend to produce excessive acids in the body .

The alkalinity of apple cider vinegar can correct excess acidity in our system and help prevent and fight infection. Honey added to the vinegar naturally makes the mixture more drinkable for people. And the good news is that unprocessed raw honey has classfified as an alkalizing food. (Honey Treaty is little acidifying and artificial sweetener is very acidifying ) . The first time that drinking apple cider vinegar formula, it can taste horrible to you, but as your body less acidic and more alkaline , it would begin to taste good turns . Diseases that can be cured by this apple cider vinegar and honey apple processing include:

1. Premature aging

Two . obesity

Three . Food poisoning

April . Heat Exhaustion

May . acidity

6. brittle nails

7. halitosis

8. arthritis

9. hypertension

10. High cholesterol

11.Lemon for weight loss

Try this vinegar and honey healthy and refreshing drink! Essentially , to prepare :

* Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of raw honey . ( Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh apples, organic crushed that are allowed to mature naturally in wooden barrels , but you can easily get to grocery stores or supermarkets. )

* Dissolve in a glass of ice water.

* Take twice a day.

Note: For this vinegar and honey remedy , do not trade distilled vinegars as they do not contain the same health values ​​of organic apple cider vinegar , raw . Powerful enzymes and minerals like potassium , phosphorus , sodium, magnesium , sulfur , copper, iron , fluorine , silicon, pectin and natural malic and tartaric , which are important in fighting body toxins and inhibiting the growth of bacteria , are destroyed during the process of distillation .

Learn about : Water With Lemon For Weight Loss

Lemon For Weight Loss

Drinking water with lemon for weight loss can help improve digestion and can help regulate the absorption of sugar that helps your goal of losing weight. Even just a little lemon juice can reduce the absorption of sugars from food a day because of its high acid content .

It is well documented that a large glass of warm water with lemon is best first drink in the morning , as soon as you are and , and before breakfast. This seems to take the edge off your appetite and eliminates the need to eat more in the morning and therefore may aid digestion by the day . It also helps speed up your metabolism , which in turn will burn more calories , helps maintain a healthier complexion and can increase their guts !

The best results have shown that freshly squeezed lemons are better with more water - not carbonated . This should lead to a free and healthy digestion if taken with a good diet and healthy problem. Lemon water can also include lemon zest and zest - no white Pyth . This can also be added to water and juice. Other research has shown that people who eat citrus fruits contain vitamin C , for example. Oranges , grapefruits , lemons , kiwi , lemons and grapes are more likely to lose weight than people who take vitamin C supplements . This may be due to the fact that after eating fruit bowl feel full or could be due to the fact that the acid in these fruits interact with other present in the digestive tract and digestion enzymes and promote weight loss .

Drinking water with lemon for weight loss also helps the body absorb calcium in fat cells that can also help you lose weight that calcium stored in fat cells . The more calcium than can be stored in fat cells improving the ability to burn fat cells and help weight loss results . Of course , not everyone likes lemons or lemon juice to prevent the best use of water with lemon to help lose weight would be to take it with a little honey , a natural sweetener. But keep in mind that honey contains calories, so you need to count in your daily intake. The addition of regular sugar can have an effect against water with lemon juice to lose weight - so avoid sugar with lemon. Initially have a few drops of lemon juice in water and gradually what ever suits your palette. Soon you will get used to take lemon juice without sugar.

Drinking water with lemon for weight loss will certainly help you lose weight naturally , if taken in the context of a healthy diet. Because lemons are full of vitamin C , have the added benefit of also help the immune system fight disease and digestion and weight loss . Make friends with a lemon for good health and weight loss !

Article Source: http://weightloss-solutions101.blogspot.com/2014/04/water-with-lemon-for-weight-loss.html

Water With Lemon For Weight Loss

Drinking water is very important to have if you want to lose weight. Water consumption in all its forms , is always helpful to maintain good health . Any water vegetables like potatoes (cooked in shape) or water content fruits like watermelon contains , is the key to a smart and healthy life. However, mixed with different entities such as lemon water , honey or taken separately with different spices, is sufficient for weight loss worth it. Hot water mixed with lemon juice , taken early in the morning, even before washing your mouth is a trick to lose weight fast . This is because the lime containing citric acid, which acts as the bleach on Fats , just because of their acidity and the high pH value , citric acid is able to penetrate and break down fat molecules .

Therefore, the fat stored in your body starts to break down , which are released in the digestive system and removed ,Honey for weight loss, waste and fat are removed. Therefore , try to add at least a glass of warm water with lemon in your diet to lose weight. The hot lime water with honey is another trick that helps a greater weight loss . You can think of the hot water with lemon and honey as a natural dose for weight loss and healthy living .

Water alone is very important if you want to lose weight. Many people overlook the importance of water in any diet. Most Americans do not consume enough water as they need every day. You need to keep your body hydrated works so well to help facilitate weight loss . Adding lemon to water is safe and is very beneficial , especially when it comes to losing weight.

Honey and Weight Loss

Honey and weight loss are often associated . Why is honey better than table sugar option, if you are watching your weight and what you eat ?

Refined dietary sugars lack minerals and vitamins and are often called empty calories. They are based on the nutrients the body to be metabolized into the system , and when these nutrients are depleted, the fatty acid metabolism of cholesterol and is prevented , contributes to increased cholesterol and obesity due to higher fatty acid promote organ tissues. The good news is that honey , a natural sweetener , on the other hand, contains 22 amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for metabolism and is useful in the prevention of obesity as well . It is believed that drinking lemon juice with a little honey first thing in the morning is an effective treatment for cellulite because it helps increase the body's metabolism . If you are determined to lose weight and speed up your sluggish metabolism , try this honey and the tip of the lemon diet . If desired , another very popular recipe associated with honey and weight loss is a drink that uses honey and cinnamon as ingredients. Many people have found this very effective home remedy to lose pounds . The steps are easy : Dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (or ground cinnamon ) in a cup of boiling water. Stir the mixture and cover for half an hour . Filters out large particles and add a teaspoon of honey. Take in the morning on an empty stomach half hour before breakfast.

For people who tend to overeat or feel discomfort in the stomach after meals , honey can be taken for better digestion . Honey is a simple carbohydrate that is taken safely during fasting because it contains easily digested sugars . Foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates or sugars are carbohydrates . How sugars are arranged will determine if we call a food source of simple carbohydrates or complex. When sugars are attached in rows , as in starches such as whole grains and legumes , are called complex carbohydrates . Body much more is needed to digest the sugar with a complex carbohydrate .

The latest theory based on the hibernation diet also builds a link between fructose -rich honey and weight loss . It is suggested to take one or two tablespoons of honey at night , either a hot or drink directly from the bottle , and promises to help sleep and lose weight at the same time feeding the liver, which speeds up metabolism to burn fat and relieve stress hormones .

Discover This : Lemon And Honey For Weight Loss